
InCounsel Weekly #268

For GCs

Hands down the best set of practical use cases I’ve seen for GCs to use ChatGPT 👏


An analysis of three limitation of liability clauses, spanning the good, bad and ugly 🚩


Take 10 mins to reset you mind and body with a non-sleep, deep rest session 💡


"It's great that it can hit both my legal and engineering interests in a single newsletter." – Stephen Myers, VP, Head of Legal at People.ai.

InCounsel Weekly #261


How we get our signed contracts from inbox to repository with minimal data entry ⚡️


A GC reacts to being billed 0.4 for a 5 minute exchange of 4 emails 😤


What back-to-back video meetings do to your brain 🧠


"My favourite newsletter and the only one I ever actually read. Love it 🥰" – Electra Japonas, CEO at tlb + Co-Founder at oneNDA.

InCounsel Weekly #253

Bite-sized 🍣 for in-house counsel and creative legal minds. Curated and crafted with ❤️ by David Bushby. Newcomers can subscribe here :)


A conversation with one of our favourite GC authors, Sterling Miller 🎙


A last minute shout-out for a virtual contract design workshop from one of the best in the biz 🎟

The day

A beautiful idea to create a new favourite part of the day 🌅


"One of the only mail outs I genuinely enjoy reading." – Mandy Chapman at Beyond International.

InCounsel Weekly #246

Bite-sized 🍣 for in-house counsel and creative legal minds. Curated and crafted with ❤️ by David Bushby. Newcomers can subscribe here :)


How in-house lawyers can recognise and escape the clutches of imposter syndrome 🌤


A refreshing take on a move back from in-house to private practice 🌈


When reading billing guidelines, I keep thinking these should be issued by a firm to all its clients, not the other way around 🤷


"I always look forward to it landing in my inbox."– Mel Scott, Senior Legal Counsel at Megaport.